After years of dreaming about hosting an event I’ve finally decided to run my first one in Cornwall this summer, and I cannot wait! In this article I wanted to explain why I am hosting the event, and what you can expect from the weekend.

So, why do I want to host an event?

Women's Weekend Cornwall

I have been on a real journey over the last few years - both personally and professionally. From clinically depressed to solo adventuring in my van, to buying my first property in Cornwall and settling here to focus on my business and routine. It’s been an amazing process, and I have shared the highs and lows on my social channels. The community I have built have been so supportive of this journey, and I really wanted to give back in a meaningful way.

My true passion in life is helping others get unstuck - whether that is leaving the 9-5 rat race, moving to the coast, exploring the world, or going back to basics with simple living. I want to help people see that life is there for taking and you don’t have to conform to society pressures and rules. I often receive messages asking how to do this, and of course the content I create is centred around inspiring you to do this, but what better way than meeting you, talking to you, and showing you!


I was toying with the idea of calling it a retreat, but when I think of a retreat I think of fancy accommodation, three course meals, and luxe living. The Free Life weekender isn’t that. One, because I wanted to keep the event inline with my beliefs of simple living, and two, I wanted to keep it budget friendly for you guys. We will be stripping it all back; to sleep under the stars, get outside and move our bodies, and cook and eat around the fire alfresco!

Living in a van taught me so much about being less materialistic, which has lead me to so many personal, social, and environmental benefits. The event is a chance for me to show you these benefits, so you walk away from the weekend feeling calm, happy, and inspired.

Having less stuff and focusing more on long term gratifications, i.e. being less materialistic, can lead to reduced stress [financially and keeping the pressure of keeping up with societal standards], improved mental health, the space for stronger connections and relationships, and also can have a great impact on the environment. Less consumption means you are probably being more sustainable!

I want and hope the Free Life event will promote these benefits, through camping and outdoor adventures. We will be hiking stunning coastal walks, sea dunking, surfing Cornwall’s best waves, and calming our nervous-system with an ocean-view sauna! The location of the retreat is in Newquay, which has a special place in my heart. Through my journey of leaving London, and travelling Asia and in my van, I never felt like I had somewhere I could really call ‘home’. Of course I am so grateful for my family home in Kent, but I wanted somewhere that I considered my home. A place where I felt happy, calm, and inspired. After feeling so lost for years, Newquay has now become that place for me. And therefore seemed the obvious spot to host my first event. And of course, it is ridioculously stunning!

I will also be weaving in some workshops on all things Finding Freedom, including tips on remote working, how to market a self employed business, and advice on digital nomad life, as well as a Q&A which gives you the opportunity to ask me anything.

All the details on the event can be found here. We have 3 spots left, so if you fancy it book your spot today!


