Being a freelancer means that as you are self employed it is up to you to find your clients, which is why having a knowledge of marketing is key. This article will dive into the ways in which you can market yourself to finds clients and build a successful freelancing career. 

SEO optimised website 

I always recommend that freelancers have a simple website when they start out, as this can act as your online portfolio, i.e prospective clients can go to your website to find out more about your services, look at your case studies, and read up on your testimonials to see if you seem a good fit for their wants. 

If your website is SEO optimised too, this has the potential to bring in traffic organically from people searching for your keywords on google. For instance, if you are a graphic designer, you can optimise your website with keywords like ‘freelance graphic designer’, so that when someone searches for this online your website might pop up (depending on the competition on that keyword phrase). 

Social Media 

Depending on what niche you freelance in, you can use social media to showcase your skills by providing valuable content that will attract potential clients and establish you as an authority in your field. As a social media consultant for instance, having an active social media presence helps future clients see my work in action. Same for if branding specialist, graphic designs, even freelance artists - social media is undoubtably a fantastic way of showing off your skills and sharing your knowledge and expertise.


Networking in person and remotely is key to building up your contacts in your industry. Join webinars, lives and in person conferences if you can, and network with people you meet. Use social media to network too - LinkedIn is typically known as a networking platform, but there are other platforms that can just as beneficial to make connections and build your community. Instagram and Tik Tok for instance have freelancing specific pages to follow and connect with other like-minded people in your network. The more you make noise and connect, the higher chance you have of someone recommending you for a contract! 

Profiles on FreelAncing sites 

Create profiles on freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr to reach a broader audience of clients actively seeking freelancers. Make sure you optimize your profiles with relevant keywords and showcase your skills and experience - this is another example of having an ‘online portfolio’.

Ex-client outreach 

I advise staying in touch with your previous clients, as this could lead to new contracts or even referrals. You don’t need to be spamming them emails constantly, but if they post on LinkedIn for instance be sure to engage on the post. If you are actively seeking work then a message or email won’t hurt. 

Paid Ads 

If you struggling to organically find clients, you can also spent some money on marketing by using paid ads to reach new and highly targeted audiences. You can use google ads or paid ads on social media to boost your posts to your target audience. If you don’t know how to run paid ads, outsource paid ads specialists using sites like Fiverr!

And there you have it! Consistency, professionalism, and a focus on delivering value to your clients are key to successfully marketing yourself as a freelancer, so make sure you have a marketing plan, and continuously refine your marketing efforts based on feedback and results to optimize your success over time. If you need help with this feel free to send me an emaill - as an online marketing consultant this is my speciality [and I also know how overwehlming it can all get!]. Drop me an email on hello@amynicholson.co.uk if you want to chat.


