With so many things to do in Bali, it is hard to know where to start!  How about exploring some of Bali’s best waterfalls?  We know there is nothing better than walking through the dense jungle, clambering over rocks and ducking under green canopy’s, only to suddenly discover a spectacular waterfall before you.  The view of the water falling off the cliff, the sounds of the water cascading over rocks and the feel of the fresh, cool water on your skin when you jump into the plunge pool!  There really is nothing quite like it.  Luckily for us, Bali is home to some hidden treasures, and many of them are off the beaten track.  Do not fear though, I’ve put together a list of the best waterfalls in Bali for you to browse and plan your next wet adventure!

GitGit Waterfall, Singaraja

GitGit Waterfall is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Bali, so if you want to see a waterfall with the upmost ease then this might be the one for you!  Plus you can easily get refreshments, and even do a spot of shopping in the art shop.  The waterfall is about thirty five metres high, and surrounded by lush greenery – great for the Insta pics!  And the best thing about GitGit Waterfall is that, if you are lucky, you might see wild monkeys hanging about on the trees that surround the waterfall, drinking the falling water!  Oh, and a bit of warning for those that believe in old wives tales – local legend has it that couples bathing together under the waterfall will separate soon after their visit… you have been warned!

Niagara Munduk, Buleleng

Nestled in the rainforest around Munduk Village, within the regency of Buleleng, lies Niagara Munduk [the Niagara Falls of Bali].  The more spectacular waterfall out of the two has to be Munduk Waterfall, with visitors saying it reminds them of a film set!  Not only is there the stunning fifteen metres high waterfall, but the area around it, with its two twin lakes, is visually stunning. The clove plantations and rice fields, with the backdrop of Bali’s beautiful mountains make Munduk a great place to find some inner peace [and take some fab photos for Instagram!].  At Munduk Waterfall, there is a restaurant where you can enjoy some grub and a drink, before you journey one kilometer further to Melanting Waterfall, which is another beautiful waterfall, and slightly taller than its sister Munduk, where you can splash around in the water for hours!

Sekumpul Waterfall, Singaraja

Sekumpul Waterfall, located in village of Sekumpul, is touted as the most beautiful waterfall in Bali.  To see it up close and personal it requires a little bit of effort, this one is for the real adventurers out there!  It will take a dirt road, lots of slippery steps, and the crossing of a river to get you near it. You can ask locals to take you there in exchange for a bit of money which will get you stunning views from above, but mostly Sekumpul Waterfall is enjoyed the best from a distance.  What makes this waterfall different to most others is that there are, in fact, seven!  All are different heights and have varying water flowing frequencies and nestled within the green trees.  It is most definitely a sight you won’t forget in a hurry!

NungNung Waterfall, Petang

Nine hundred metres above sea level, in a small village in the middle of nowhere, lies NungNung Waterfall. The journey there is quite lovely, with lush green rice paddies and plantations everywhere you look.  The car park is easy enough to find, but once you get there prepare yourself for the long descent ahead in order to find the waterfall!  Before you see it, you will most definitely hear it, as the thunderous sound of thousands of litres of water crashing into a pool of water is hard to miss!  Once you’ve reached the bottom of the five hundred and nine steps [think of the workout you’re getting!] your eyes will get a treat as you see the stunning view of the fifty metre high waterfall before you.  And with an entrance fee of just IDR 3,000, it is well worth it.

Banyumala Twin Waterfall, North Bali

Within the Sambangan area, this is not an easy waterfall to find so we suggest getting a local to be your guide and show you around the area, because believe us when we say it is worth it!  The waterfall is special in that there are two flows of water to be seen, hence the name ‘twin’.  Water cascades down steep rocks with gorgeous greenery surrounding them.  This is nature at its best!  Here you can take a refreshing dip in the pool of water at the bottom – dunk your head and listen to the sounds of the water crashing down!  This is a twin beauty that is not to be missed!

Aling-Aling Waterfall, Sambangan

For you adrenaline seekers out there, pay attention!  How does sliding down a thirty five metre waterfall sound?  Yep, there is a natural water slide at Aling-Aling Waterfall.  Located in Sambangan village, Aling-Aling Waterfall has an inviting, crystal clear plung pool which is great for swimming, or your can shower as the water falls over your head, so it is great if you are in the mood to get wet!  The waterfall falls from a steep cliff and is surrounded by high cliffs with green trees, so is just as beautiful if you want to admire from a distance. The journey to get there can be a little tiresome, with lots of walking across rice fields and up and down many steps [but who’s complaining when the end result is so awesome!].  There are actually seven waterfalls in the Sambangan area, so we suggest hiring a local to show you around!

Tegenungan Waterfall, Ubud

Tegenungan Waterfall is not situated in the mountains, which is quite rare for waterfalls in Bali, but actually in the Ubud village.  Like many others, it does still have beautiful lush greenery surrounding it [and the added bonus of a beautiful temple nearby], and natural springs have been made for bathing.  The water flow is heavy, leaving clean and fresh water in the pool – perfect for a refreshing bath!  You will see lots of locals flock here to have a swim.  For any budding photographers out there, the best time to visit Tegenungan Waterfall is evening as it faces west, so the light is better with the afternoon sun.

Peguyangan Waterfall, Nusa Penida

Now this may not be a giant, water-crashing-down-for-miles kind of waterfall, but it is still fun to visit, especially if you fancy a free massage!  Peguyangan Waterfall is a group of short fountains of water that fall over a steep ravine, eventually making their way into the sea.  Away from the ravine there are little pools of water which you bath in and let the fast flowing water ripple and bubble near your skin [aka a natural massage!].  To get to these you will need to climb up [or down] a narrow flight of steps that hugs the ravine, so be prepared for the near five hundred steps!  It is a bit of a hidden gem, so you might need a local who knows his way around to help you find it!

Blahmantung Waterfall, Tabanan

Like the smell of coffee?  Like bathing in fresh water?  Blahmantung Waterfall is your idea of perfection then.  Nestled within the Tabanan region of Bali, which houses many coffee plantations, sits this waterfall, surrounded by beautiful green rain-forest.  One of Bali’s hidden treasures, it will take a good eight hundred metre walk to get there and the trek is by no mean easy [especially during the rainy season where you should be aware of slippery rocks].  But it is so worth it when you arrive.  At fifty metres high, it is a giant!  You can jump in the plunge pool below and enjoy one of Mother Earth’s most natural beauties!  Plus, the drive to the car park of the waterfall is almost as beautiful as the actual waterfall itself, with the scenery of lush green rice paddies as far as the eye can see!

Jembong Waterfall, Sukasada

GitGit Waterfall is known to overshadow Jembong [as it is so near], but actually, this is no bad thing.  Spiritual healings are known to take place here, so its stunning unspoiled, natural surroundings are perfect for such magical experiences to occur.  It is located in the Theobroma cacao area, so your walk to find it will be amongst cacao trees.  The waterfall has a gentle slope and water flow, again making it an ideal setting for healings, and of course bathing.  Locally, Jembong Waterfall is known as the best waterfall in Bali.

Yeh Mampeh Waterfall, Singaraja

Located in a small village called Les lies Yeh Mampeh Waterfall, one of Bali’s tallest waterfalls.  Aptly named, because Yeh Mampeh means ‘flying water’ in Balinese, it is virtually untouched.  Hike down the falls, explore the nearby caves, swim in the clean fresh water, or just take in the splendid views of the green hills whilst enjoying the cool, unpolluted air!  Escape the hustle and bustle, and relax in the most beautiful natural surroundings.

Carat Waterfalls, Singaraja

Carat Waterfalls [plural as there are actually two] are located close to an unspoiled village called “Tamblang” in the Singaraja regency.  To go there you have to be ready for a bit of a tricky trek as the, approximately eight hundred metre, long path includes a wobbly bamboo bridge and some steep cliffs [probably best to leave the kids at home for this one].  Here there are actually two waterfalls, a smaller and a larger one, plus a small pool at the bottom which is perfect for swimming in.  Legend says that Carat Waterfalls are haunted and that bad luck will be brought to any visitors who say negative things about the waterfalls, so… happy thoughts!

SingSing Waterfalls, Lovina

If you are heading to the north of Bali for some activities, definitely make a pit-stop here!  SingSing Waterfall is located in the Banjar Village, within the Labuan Haji Temukus district, near Lovina.  It has been touted as the most romantic waterfall in Bali, due to its calming and peaceful atmosphere.  Sit among the natural surroundings with your lover, listen to the calm waters rippling down a cascade, or take a dip together in the fresh water, before heading to one of the restaurants for a bite to eat.  This experience is nothing short of tranquil.

This story was published on Honeycombers Bali.


